
04 一月 2008 / By

講了很多組織軟件開發團隊,收到一些網友電郵來問很多問題,是否要用Borland C++ Builder和MemDB,是否要公開Source Code等等.

如果伙伴己熟悉了一種語言和資料庫,對MemDB沒有發展的行業系統熟識,我覺得不需要強迫去學習和使用MemDB的開發平台,亦不用Release Source Code,只要經過我批核,把系統OEMMemDB銷售,大家同意合作條件就可以.




我喜歡KISS,Keep It Simple and Small,我相信以上簡單的合作方式,大家是可以嘗試的.

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Hi, this is Alex Cheng, the founder and CEO of http://www.foodeasy.com , I have also established a restaurant point card system (www.diningplus.com.hk) and we might be able to explore some joint sales and software product together.  We can have a casual phone call or drink when you have time.  My email is alex@foodeasy.com / alexscheng@gmail.com, MSN: alexshcheng@hotmail.com, mobile: 90925757

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