
09 十月 2008 / By

上個月收到一個網友的電郵,提出很有意思的意見,經深入了解後,原來網友經營一間每年有12 millions收入的IT公司,有20個員工為他工作,真的很了不起,我要向他多多學習.

 I have been reading your blog for about three years, every time you said about there is not enough resources to grow your business, there question in my mind, is it really the problem, why you don't have $$, I guess some issue below,

1) You have family to take care of, so every step you made, need to be careful.

2) You didn't make enough money from Memdb, about 700 customer last 7 years, so every year is 100, every month is about 8-10 new customer or project, your product price range $1000 – $10000, so I can assume every customer you made is $5000, so the total month income is $50000 MAX.

3) You worked alone yourself for the first 3-4 year, and there is some business sense that you didn't developed yourself, ever now the partner you work with don't have enough experience.

4) your recurrent income is not stable, most of the time, your customer only need your software once. So you need to do more different software or project to cover more area.

Not sure if I can put it in the blog, just thinking that I want to share my idea for you, as I like what you doing and the blog you do.


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嘩 !~~你真幸運可以遇到這樣好網友 , 我都認為這網友說得對極了 , 你應該發展潛力 ; 錢方面~~如果你容許我投資都可以+想想我啊! 謝謝!

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